Philadelphia Opera Company

Nonprofit Association Marketing

Our Success with The Opera Company of Philadelphia's

Our strategic approach, video production services, multi-camera on-location filming, and social media strategy proved to be instrumental in the Opera Company of Philadelphia's "Random Acts of Culture" campaign's success. The collaboration achieved its goal of making opera more accessible and engaging, leading to viral content that resonated with a diverse audience and increased brand visibility and engagement. This case study underscores Beholder Agency's expertise in creating impactful and shareable content that drives results for their clients.


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NonProfit Association Marketing & Video Services

The Opera Company of Philadelphia, renowned for its commitment to bringing opera to diverse audiences, collaborated with Beholder Agency to craft and execute a transformative marketing campaign. The objective was to create multiple viral videos as part of their "Random Acts of Culture" campaign, aimed at bringing opera to unexpected places and captivating a broader demographic. This case study explores Beholder Agency's strategic approach, video production services, multi-camera on-location filming, and social media strategy that led to the campaign's resounding success.


The Opera Company of Philadelphia faced several challenges in achieving their campaign goals:

  1. Broadening the Audience: Expanding their audience beyond traditional opera-goers required innovative strategies to make opera more accessible and engaging.
  2. Creating Impactful Content: To resonate with a diverse audience, the video marketing content had to be captivating, emotionally stirring, and shareable.
  3. Achieving Virality: The goal was to create videos that would not only perform well within opera enthusiasts but also go viral on social media platforms, reaching millions.

a youtube channel with 9,531,891 views and 3,319 comments


"Hallelujah!" on YouTube has been watched over 9 million times and has over 3,000 comments. It's become an instant classic and fan favorite being shared thousands of times each year.

Our Strategic Approach:

Strategy & Consultation:

Beholder Agency conducted an in-depth analysis of The Opera Company of Philadelphia's goals, target audience, and the essence of the "Random Acts of Culture" campaign. They proposed a multifaceted growth strategy that included:

  • Identifying unexpected but high-traffic locations for performances.
  • Tailoring the content to elicit emotional responses from both opera enthusiasts and newcomers.
  • Leveraging social media platforms for maximum reach and engagement.
  • Identifying key performance dates and locations to optimize exposure.

Video Production Services:

Beholder Agency's team of experienced video production experts meticulously planned each aspect of the video production process. They:

  • Collaborated closely with The Opera Company of Philadelphia to select diverse and captivating operatic pieces.
  • Ensured high-quality audio and video recording equipment to capture the performances flawlessly.
  • Employed professional cinematography techniques to create visually stunning content.
  • Developed a flexible production schedule to adapt to unforeseen challenges during on-location filming.

Multi-Camera On-Location Filming:

To capture the spontaneous reactions of unsuspecting audiences, Beholder Agency utilized multi-camera setups and cutting-edge equipment. They deployed camera crews to various locations, ensuring:

  • Comprehensive coverage of the performances from multiple angles.
  • Efficient and unobtrusive filming techniques to maintain the authenticity of the surprise performances.
  • High-resolution footage to enhance the video's visual appeal during post-production.


The collaboration between The Opera Company of Philadelphia and Beholder Agency resulted in an extraordinarily successful nonprofit association marketing campaign:

Multiple viral videos:

The campaign's videos garnered millions of views and shares across various social media platforms, reaching an entirely new and diverse audience.

Increased engagement:

Social media platforms saw a significant increase in engagement, with thousands of comments, shares, and likes from both opera enthusiasts and newcomers.

Broader audience:

The campaign successfully broadened the opera company's audience, attracting a younger demographic and those who had never experienced opera before.

Positive brand perception:

The campaign improved the Opera Company of Philadelphia's image by portraying them as an innovative and inclusive cultural institution.

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