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The Rising Trend of B2B Podcasts in Marketing: A Deep Dive into the Best Ones Out There

Craig Andrews • Mar 22, 2024

In the fast-paced business-to-business (B2B) marketing world, staying updated and innovative is not just an option—it's a necessity. Podcasts are one of the most dynamic and engaging ways to keep abreast of the latest trends, insights, and strategies. B2B podcasts have become a goldmine of knowledge, offering insights from industry leaders, success stories, and valuable lessons from the front lines of marketing. In this blog, we'll delve into the burgeoning world of B2B podcasts and highlight some of the best ones to add to your listening schedule.

The Importance of Podcasts in B2B Marketing

Podcasts have become a powerful marketing tool, especially in the B2B sector. They offer several unique advantages:

  • Convenience and Accessibility: Podcasts can be consumed on the go, making them perfect for busy professionals.
  • Deep Dives into Specific Topics: Unlike other media forms, podcasts often provide in-depth discussions on niche subjects.
  • Networking and Thought Leadership: Listening to industry leaders and experts indirectly helps build knowledge and networking.

Top B2B Marketing Podcasts to Listen To

In B2B marketing, podcasts have become invaluable resources for insights, strategies, and industry trends. Here is an updated list of top B2B marketing podcasts, each offering unique perspectives and a wealth of information.

  • "Marketing Over Coffee"
  • Overview: Known for its casual, conversational tone, this podcast is recorded in a coffee shop. The hosts delve into both traditional and new marketing techniques.
  • Why It’s Great: Its informal setting makes complex topics more accessible, and the show often features influential marketing personalities.
  • "B2B Growth"
  • Overview: True to its name, this podcast focuses on growing your B2B business. It covers various topics, from leadership and sales strategies to marketing trends.
  • Why It’s Great: This podcast is a goldmine of actionable tips, offering practical advice for B2B marketers.
  • "The ABM Conversations Podcast"
  • Overview: Centered around Account-Based Marketing (ABM), this podcast explores strategies for aligning sales with marketing efforts.
  • Why It’s Great: With ABM being a pivotal topic in B2B marketing, this podcast provides some of the most insightful discussions.
  • "Sales Hacker Podcast"
  • Overview: This podcast bridges sales and marketing, featuring insights from successful salespeople and marketers.
  • Why It’s Great: It offers an essential perspective on sales, which is crucial for every B2B marketer.
  • "Sales and Marketing Playbook"
  • Overview: This podcast deepens into the strategies, tactics, and innovations driving B2B sales and marketing success.
  • Why It’s Great: It provides a playbook for professionals looking to refine their sales and marketing synergy with actionable insights and real-world examples.
  • "HBR IdeaCast"
  • Overview: Hosted by the Harvard Business Review, this podcast presents thought leadership and the latest business research.
  • Why It’s Great: For those who value academic rigor and in-depth analysis, it offers rich insights and ideas.

Each of these podcasts offers something unique, be it strategic insights, practical advice, or the latest trends and innovations in B2B marketing. They are invaluable resources for professionals looking to stay ahead in this dynamic field.

How to Leverage B2B Podcasts for Marketing Success

Simply listening to these podcasts is a great start, but the real benefit comes from actively applying the insights to your marketing strategies.

  1. Implement Learned Strategies: Try the tactics and tools discussed in these podcasts. Experimentation is critical to finding what works best for your business.
  2. Stay Updated on Trends: Use the information from these podcasts to stay ahead of emerging trends and technologies in B2B marketing.
  3. Networking: Contact podcast hosts or guests for networking opportunities. Many are open to connecting with listeners.
  4. Inspiration for Content: Use topics from these podcasts as inspiration for your content marketing efforts.

The Future of Podcasts in B2B Marketing

The future of B2B podcasts looks promising. As more professionals seek convenient, insightful, and diverse forms of content, podcast popularity is likely to grow. Moreover, with advancements in audio technology and the rise of smart devices, accessing and consuming podcasts will become even easier, leading to a broader listener base.


For any B2B marketer aiming to stay on top of their game, tuning into these podcasts can be both an enjoyable and educational experience. They offer a wealth of knowledge and insights and serve as a source of inspiration and networking. So, plug in your earphones and explore the vast and vibrant world of B2B podcasts today. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting, these podcasts will add value to your marketing journey.

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